Quality Education

The school is to create better citizens of tomorrow through quality education. vision.

Our History

The school is built on a land of 1 1/4 acres. It has 98 spacious classrooms with three spacious auditoriums, a well-maintained playground, a well-equipped science laboratory, two high tech computer laboratory, two well-stocked libraries and a big bhajan hall which caters to the needs of the students.

Our Mission

The mission of this school is to create better citizens of tomorrow through quality education. that quality education which helps the students to imbibe the qualities of honesty, courage, knowledge, wisdom, self-confidence, inner purity, leadership, sympathy, kindness, discipline and “Indian values with a world vision.

Our Vision

The school is to create better citizens of tomorrow through quality education. that quality education which helps the students to imbibe the qualities of honesty, courage, knowledge, wisdom, self-confidence, inner purity, leadership, sympathy, kindness, discipline and “Indian values with a world vision.

Why Choose our school

Vijaya Bharathi  School in Girinagar area (CBSE) are the preferred choice of parents seeking admission to the best school where the discerning parents find the Orbis School providing a holistic education, be it in the areas of academics, sports, drama, dance, music, public speaking, debates etc